Käthe Kollwitz

Realität & Emotion

22 May to 18 July 2021
Kunstforum Ingelheim – Altes Rathaus

 Extended until 25 July! 

Kunstforum Ingelheim – Altes Rathaus →
Children’s quiz on the exhibition →

Due to legal regulations and the current incidence in the district of Mainz-Bingen, museums can currently open for visitors. Prerequisites for a visit are, among other things, an advance booking of your ticket, the possibility of contact tracking by providing your data when making reservations and person limits, as well as compliance with hygiene regulations.

Outdoor catering may only be used with a negative coronary test or proof of vaccination or proof of recovery in compliance with legal regulations. The current developments can be viewed at any time here on our homepage and on the homepage of the district of Mainz-Bingen.

We are looking forward to your visit!

For the first time, an Internationale Tage exhibition is focusing on the work of a single visual artist: Käthe Kollwitz, one of the most significant and renowned artistic personalities of the first half of the 20th century, takes centre stage at the 62nd International Tage exhibition. Particularly as a superb illustrator and technically experimental graphic designer, she has carved out a permanent place for herself in the art world, and not just in Germany. Less familiar, because of the smaller number of works, is her oeuvre as a sculptor, which ranks on a par with her graphic works.

In five thematic sections, the exhibition presents aspects that were meaningful for Käthe Kollwitz and that can be traced through her entire artistic work. These are based predominantly on the social reality in the 19th century as depicted in the literature of Emile Zola or Gerhart Hauptmann. In her work Käthe Kollwitz also explored the female body, including her own, and, through meticulous observation, produced impressive, emotionally charged images. These are rediscovered in the motif of mother and child, which is especially important to her and plays a key role in Kollwitz’s work. The emotions of love and lament, or inner emptiness and death, form key motifs not just on this subject. The intense, often unsparing, introspection of the artist is also found in her self-portraits, which definitely constitute a highlight of the exhibition.

The exhibition, presenting some 90 works, was organized in close cooperation with the Käthe Kollwitz Museum in Cologne, which houses the world’s largest collection of works by the artist. Numerous works loaned by major museums in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Wiesbaden and from private collections are also presented.

An exhibition catalogue including all the exhibited works in colour is also being published. It is available in the exhibition and via Internationale Tage.

Due to the constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, personal restrictions and pre-booking will be required for a certain period of time. Click here to find the latest situation.

Käthe Kollwitz. Realität & Emotion

23 x 29,4 cm, 190 Seiten, herausgegeben von Ulrich Luckhardt mit Texten von Jutta Hülsewig-Johnen und Annette Seeler.

Preis 15,00 € statt 25,00 €
Order catalogue →

Käthe Kollwitz
Weberzug, 1893–97
Blatt 4 aus dem Zyklus „Ein Weberaufstand”
Strichätzung und Schmirgel auf festem
Velinpapier, 34,5 x 46,8 cm
© Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Käthe Kollwitz
Losbruch, 1902/03
Blatt 5 aus dem Zyklus „Bauernkrieg”
Strichätzung, Kaltnadel, Aquatinta Reservage
sowie Vernis mou, 65,6 x 78,4 cm
© Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Käthe Kollwitz
Weiblicher Akt, ganz Figur, um 1904
Kohle, 62 x 48 cm
Foto: Andreas Weiss, Hamburg
Käthe Kollwitz
Frau mit Kind im Schoß
um 1911, 1936/37
Bronze, 39,4 x 28,3 x 31 cm
© Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln
Käthe Kollwitz
Liebespaar, sich aneinander schmiegend
1909/10, Kohle, gewischt, auf grauem
Ingres-Bütten, 56 x 48,2 cm
© Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln
Käthe Kollwitz
Selbstbildnis mit aufgelegter Hand, 1905
Schwarze Kreide und Graphitstift auf gelblich
braunem Ingres-Bütten, 36,7 x 31,5 cm
© Hamburger Kuntshalle / bpk
Foto: Elke Walford