
Variation & Metamorphose

1 May to 8 July, 2007
Altes Rathaus
Ingelheim am Rhein

Altes Rathaus →

“Picasso – Variation Metamorphosis” was the subject of this year‘s International Days exhibition which was hold in the Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) in Ingelheim from May 1 to July 8, 2007. Around 100 works were presented – large-format lithographs and linocuts from the period 1945 to 1960. These will concentrate on four themes, variations on these and metamorphosis:
Bull & bullfights
Pan, Faun Bacchanal
Paraphrases after Cranach

The exhibition included portrait photographs of Irving Penn, Arnold Newman, Edward Quinn, Rene Burri, Herbert List, Robert Capa, Lucien Clergue and Ulrich Mack. The exhibition was dedicated to François Lachenal (1918–1997), founder and long-standing director of the International Days Ingelheim and personal friend of Picasso, to mark the 10th anniversary of his death.

Picasso – Variation & Metamorphose

30,5 x 23 cm, 296 Seiten mit verschiedenen Textbeiträgen und Abbildungen aller ausgestellten Werke. Verarbeitung: Kartonierter Schuber mit fünf broschierten Einzelheften.

Preis 25,00 €
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