Wortkünstler / Bildkünstler

Von Goethe bis Ringelnatz. Und Herta Müller.

28 April – 7 July 2013
Altes Rathaus
Ingelheim am Rhein

Altes Rathaus →


27 July – 20 October
Museum Behnhaus Drägerhaus, Lübeck

Museum Behnhaus Drägerhaus →

Multitalented artists are not uncommon. Creative people have often excelled in fields beyond their original area of expertise. Poets whose main artistic talent is the written word have in many cases produced original pictorial artworks of their own that extend the scope of their creativity and represent entirely new aspects of artistic expression. Their paintings and drawings justifiably rank alongside their literary output.

A wide variety of pictorial art items are on show in the exhibition, from the classical landscapes of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to the enigmatic, droll sceneries of Joachim Ringelnatz. Works by the likes of Victor Hugo, George Sand, Hans Christian Andersen and Wilhelm Busch will be on display. The word collages of Herta Müller, winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature, form the radical yet poetic endpoint in which the author uses words to create both texts and collages with a distinct pictorial aesthetic.

The audio guide makes the literature an integral part of the exhibition. The specific connections between pictorial art and literature are brought home to visitors on the basis of spoken original texts and biographical links.

After the presentation in Ingelheim, the exhibition will run from 27 July to 20 October 2013 at Museum Behnhaus Drägerhaus, Lübeck as a project of Boehringer Ingelheim International Days.

Wortkünstler / Bildkünstler

22 x 28 cm, 359 Seiten mit umfangreichen Textbeiträgen und Abbildungen aller ausgestellten Werke. Zusätzlich 30 bisher unveröffentlichte Collagen von Herta Müller.

Preis 19,90 € statt 34,00 €
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Herta Müller
Vater telefoniert mit den Fliegen
© Carl Hanser Verlag München 2012
Paul Scheerbart
Jenseits-Galerie Blatt 1, 1907
George Sand
Wasserfall, 1863
Sammlung Klüser, München
Hans Christian Andersen
Pirate with a green jacket, o. J.
© Odense City Museums
Wilhelm Busch
Bildnis eines Jungen, um 1875
© Hamburger Kunsthalle / bpk
Foto: Elke Walford
Victor Hugo, Tache, o. J.
Sammlung Klüser, München
Joachim Ringelnatz
Fallschirmabsprung über dem
Tempelhofes Feld, o. J.
Kunsthalle zu Kiel